We value any feedback and complaints you have, to help us improve our services. 

WCS service areas regularly collect feedback on the services they deliver. The area you are dealing with can provide more information about their process. 

We have a complaints process to ensure any concerns you have are raised with the relevant area and staff and we will respond to you. 

  • Anyone who has a comment, complaint or concern about WCS has the right to have the matter dealt with fairly and promptly, without fear of reprisal.  
  • You can involve the help of a friend and/or advocate if you wish. 
  • We will protect the confidentiality of all information around your complaint, only sharing as needed to be able to respond to you.  
  • You can make an anonymous complaint, although this means we will not be able to respond to you.  

Process for providing feedback or making a complaint

In the first instance, please contact the WCS area you are dealing with, if you feel comfortable to do so. 

If you do not feel comfortable contacting the area, or are not happy with their response, you can contact WCS directly. 

Online: use the form below

Telephone: 02 6282 2644

Email: privacy@wcs.org.au

Mail: PO Box 35, Woden ACT 2606

You can direct your feedback, compliment or complaint to: the service area manager, the Complaints and Privacy Officer, the Chief Executive Officer of WCS, or the Chair of the WCS Board.

Online Feedback Form

Provide any feedback, compliment or complaint using this form.

    Please choose the one that best relates to your query.
  • 0 of 800 max characters

Other options for complaints

For some WCS services or types of complaints, you may be able to make a complaint to an external body, if you are not happy with the response from WCS. 

Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
If you think that we have mishandled your personal information, you can lodge a written complaint with the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner. Details are on their website: www.oaic.gov.au/privacy/privacy-complaints/lodge-a-privacy-complaint-with-us/  

ACT Human Rights Commission
The Commission includes the Public Advocate & Children and Young People Commissioner and the Discrimination, Health Services, Disability and Community Services Commissioner. You can contact the Commission by telephone (6205 2222), email (human.rights@act.gov.au) or through their website (www.hrc.act.gov.au). 

Children’s Education and Care Assurance (CECA)
The ACT Regulatory Authority, Children’s Education and Care Assurance (CECA), can receive complaints about education and care services operating in the ACT, including outside school hours care and early learning centres. You can contact CECA by telephone (6207 7581 or 6207 1114) or email (complaintsCECA@act.gov.au).  

NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission
If you have a concern about your NDIS supports or services, you can contact the NDIS Commission by telephone (800 035 544: free call from landlines), TTY 133 677 or completing a complaint contact form. For more information, see their website: www.ndiscommission.gov.au/about/complaints 

Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission
If you have a concern or complaint that you have not been able to resolve by talking with us, the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (the Commission) can support you with information and options. You can contact the Commission on 1800 951 822 (free call). For more information, see their website: https://www.agedcarequality.gov.au/making-complaint/complaints-process
