A tender for the feasibility and design of the new Woden Community Centre has been released following the ACT Government’s announcement last year to proceed with the project.

Jenny Kitchin, CEO of WCS, welcomed the release of the tender and is working closely with the ACT Government on developing the designs for the new facility.

“This is a fantastic opportunity to develop facilities that will better service the needs of our community,” Jenny Kitchin said.

WCS will manage the new building on behalf of the Territory and it will enable WCS to consolidate its operations, which are currently spread across four separate locations. The new facility is also likely to include a childcare centre to replace Lollipop Early Learning Centre at Corinna Street.

WCS, which was formed in 1969, first moved into the Corinna Street building in 1976 and the Woden Youth Centre on Callam Street came into operation 30 years ago in 1989.

“We will be asking our clients, volunteers and staff in each of our service areas about what they would like to see addressed through this new community infrastructure and help engage the community in its development,” said Ms Kitchin.

It is hoped that the new community centre will include facilities such as a multi-purpose accessible meeting hall with exercise and exhibition areas and a small performance space. Specialist consulting rooms, smaller multi-purpose rooms, a common reception area and publicly accessible lounge and a workshop and office space for a visual arts coordinator are also included in the brief.

The successful tenderer will undertake ongoing engagement with the Woden community and key stakeholders to ensure the design and service offerings meet the current and future needs.

The ACT Government allocated $1.75 million in the 2019 Budget for the design work, which is expected to be finalised by this time next year.
