- Our Family Case Management team provides support to families who are experiencing challenges and need some additional assistance. We aim to strengthen your skills and capacity so that you can continue to nurture and sustain your own wellbeing.
We can support your family in flexible ways, offering short- and medium-term family case management to families living within the South Canberra, Woden, Weston and Molonglo regions.
Our family case managers can support you through activities such as:

- work with you and your family to identify your goals and support you to achieve them
- Provide information and support around improving your family’s wellbeing
- build on your strengths and empower your family to reach their potential
- support you to make beneficial links and connections with your community
- connect you to a wide range of services that meet your family’s needs, and assist you to maintain this network of support independently
- While every family has different needs, some examples of supports we might connect you to include: parenting programs; therapeutic services; mental health services; family violence support; alcohol & drug services; accommodation providers
- provide advocacy support to you when you are communicating with government agencies such as Child and Youth Protection Services (CYPS), Housing ACT, Centrelink and the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA).

Want to know more?
You can contact the Family Case Management Team by submitting a referral Family Case Management Referral Form to fcm@wcs.org.au or calling (02) 6282 2644.
The Child, Youth and Family Services Program – Family Case Management team is operated by Woden Community Service, and is funded by the ACT Government’s Community Services Directorate.
Alternatively, you can contact OneLink and an assessing officer will talk to you about your situation and the different services available in the Canberra community. Phone 1800176468 Monday to Friday (8 am to 6 pm) or weekends (12.30 pm to 5 pm). For more information visit www.onelink.org.au.
OneLink is funded by the ACT Government’s Community Services Directorate.