We offer a range of supports to people living with a mental health issue. The focus of these programs is to promote wellbeing, hope, strength and recovery – as well as a sense of community and belonging. These are set out in the Stepped Model of Care.

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  • Dial 000 or go to a hospital emergency department 

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Our Programs


Early Intervention

Programs designed to address mental health challenges early, preventing escalation. Including Hoarding and Advocacy Support, T25 Clinic, and New Path Program.

Housing Support

Services to support individuals facing housing challenges or navigating complex systems. Including TAP, Hoarding and Advocacy Support and Care Finder.

Sub-Acute Mental Health Support

For individuals transitioning from acute mental health crises who still need intensive support. Including Step Up Step Down Program, TRec, and The Way Back.

Group Support

Group support is available as a step-down from more intensive support, to compliment professional support, or as a light touch support to promote wellbeing.
