Accessing CPSP

To make a referral, please complete the form here.


Call:  02 6282 2644


Supporting the ‘missing middle’ to avoid hospital admission

The Commonwealth Psychosocial Support Program (CPSP) is a mental health recovery program supporting people whose ability to manage daily activities and live independently in the community has been seriously affected by mental health issues.  This program aims to support people from the ‘missing middle’ , who are not more appropriately supported by the NDIS but where psychological therapies alone are not enough.

There are three pathways of support for participants of this integrated program: New Path, Continuity of Support (CoS) and Access Enabling streams.

The New Path Stream

Shorter-term earlier intervention support for people at the less complex end of severe mental illness, towards independence and more mainstream services; reducing reliance on the clinical mental health system to meet their needs.

We support people typically aged 18 to 35 (and up to 64) towards greater self-reliance, independence and participation. We are an early intervention service, which means that we work with people to tackle severe mental health challenges before they become a longer-term problem.

Some of the things a New Path Recovery Worker can support you with include:

  • managing your symptoms of mental ill-health
  • getting your relationships back on track
  • addressing drug, alcohol or smoking issues
  • becoming involved in a social or community activity that you want to do
  • engaging with education, employment or volunteering
  • building life skills including confidence and resilience

The Continuity of Support (CoS) Stream

Medium to longer-term, lighter-touch support for people with more complex co-occurring conditions, to reduce isolation and increase social connection with targeted support at ‘times of greater need’.

Participants in the CoS program can access the following services:

  • a peer/social groups program, delivered mainly from our centre, which is close to the Woden Bus Interchange. This includes opportunities for social connection, such as art and craft, mindfulness, yoga, independent living skills, games and activities or physical exercise
  • individual assistance with referral to services on issues such as housing, finance, vocation skills, accessing affordable or free food, in a light touch capacity
  • responsive individual support during times of increased need such as ensuring access to clinical mental health or psychological services

NDIS Access Support Stream

Wrap-around support and assistance with applications for the NDIS, for those participants who have come through the New Path or CoS models, and been assessed as having psychosocial support needs more appropriately met through NDIS funding.


What have you and your recovery worker been working on? 

“Helping me stay out of hospital, finding study options and goals to have, linking with other services, advocating for myself and others and becoming more confident in myself”.

“The service I have received has been more than I expected, extremely helpful and supportive.  I liked the consistent communication between my worker and I. We have been working on my skills to do with looking after my health, social and ambitions to work and study.  I have self-harmed less and I have a routine. I have a better idea of myself.”

What has improved in your life since you started working in CPSP? 

“I have many friends but I don’t want to talk to them about my mental health problems. I am so glad I know I can call [my CoS worker] when I have a bad day and when I just can’t shake my negative self-talk. [They] remind me of the strategies my psychologist has given me and encourage me to go through the strategies.”

Since working in New Path “my anxiety is gone, I have goals again and I’m doing things, getting out and about and holding down a full-time job.”

Who can access the program?

  • People living, working or studying in the ACT
  • People not eligible for the NDIS and for whom the NDIS is not the most appropriate pathway.

CPSP is funded by Capital Health Network through the Australian Government’s Primary Health Network (PHN) program.

